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I highly regret ever going to McFadden’s friendly motors!!! Being a new mother, looking for a safe vehicle and being to trusting. It started off with them having me sign in the co-signer spot and when i questioned it they stated “oh, don’t worry about that because it doesn’t actually matter where you sign”, then a few days later they stated they needed a new copy of my social security card because they didn’t “have a clear copy” and that i could just send a picture of it to them. A week later i tried to make my car payment and the loan agency had NO account for me and when i called mcfaddens they claimed that it was correct and that no account was created because they sent my BIRTHDATE in as my SSN! And they tried to make it sound like it wasn’t a big deal and said that it happens at least 2 times a month!! At that time they stated that they told the loan agency to take the payment out of mcfaddens account and made me write out a check to mcfaddens to “reimburse them” for making my payment and so i did which I later found out that they did not pay until i was 20 days late which means they lied about paying and took my money when there was no account. Sadly the stress continued when a couple weeks later they called me again and stated that the loan agency was able to run my correct ssn and that the entire contract i had was void and that i had to come sign a new contract with a different interest rate, less months to pay off, and a higher monthly payment. When i told them i was not signing anything else they continued to text and call me trying to bribe me by offering to fill my tank and when i quit replying they started offering a $100 gas card to come sign the new contract because I’ve had to make a half hour drive every time they found another error. Then out of nowhere they text me saying how they “bent over backwards” for me and got the original contract “pushed through” after i told them i did not want the car anymore and they stated “well there’s nothing i can do about that.” They also reran my credit at that time with no consent from me. Now it’s 2 months after i signed the original contract and i got a letter stating that my gap coverage had been canceled and when i called they stated that mcfaddens cancelled it on April 11 and called back to reinstate it on April 12. I asked what would have made them cancel it and they said the only reason would be if i requested to cancel it or if i refinanced the vehicle which i did not either. Mcfaddens is nothing but a scam and they did a lot of fraudulent actions with me when all i tried to do was get a vehicle that fit my family’s needs that was in my budget