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When I picked up our license plates from Mr. Hopkins, I noticed an error with the sales tax. He had understated the sales price of the car to the county tax collector’s office by $5500.00, thus underpaying the sales tax by $343.75 and keeping these funds that he had collected from us which actually belonged to the state. I tactfully brought this to his attention along with the fact that I had not been reimbursed for the key and clicker and the sales tax which I had been overcharged. He said that he would “make it right” (apparently his favorite phrase) and to please give him a week to do so. I didn’t understand why he needed a week but honored his request.
When the week was up, I went to see him and he had done nothing to rectify the situation. He did admit to me that he had fudged the numbers with the tax office in order to make the bottom line satisfactory to him. He told me that he had not been reimbursed by the Houston dealer which later proved to be a lie. Inasmuch as I did not want to be an accessory after the fact to his malfeasance, I went to the tax office and gave them copies of all of the paper work. They contacted him and he went in and paid the additional tax due. I received a copy of the receipt from the tax office and a letter thanking me for bringing this to their attention.
Needless to say, he was very angry about this and ordered me to leave his office.
I know that he was reimbursed for the keys (although that money should have been sent directly to me) because I contacted the Houston dealer myself and have their written response in my files that they paid Mr. Hopkins, however he refuses to pay this money ($154.09) to me even though it is not his money to keep.
I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. He did not even have the courtesy to respond to their first letter to him but did respond to the second letter and denied that he had been reimbursed by Houston for the keys which was a lie. He also said that he had been in business for twenty-five years and had never had a complaint. Having dealt with the public my entire life, I would be willing to state categorically that no one can be in business that long without having complaints and, in fact, I have talked to acquaintances since then who were less than happy with Mr. Hopkins’ services.
In view of this, we cannot recommend this dealer and we absolutely will not do any further business with him.