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THE WORST DEALER EVER I bought almost $ 500,000 worth of NEWAston Martin cars one DBS and one V8 Vantage. The cars were in such bad condition asked the factory rep. to come to myhome and look for themselves.
When the rep came over he found the engine cooling fansdefective, wheels out of balance, rattles thru-out the car, the driver’s side window leaked air, the air conditioner compressorwas bad and more. NOW that was on a BRANDNEW $300,00 Aston Martin DBS
Then my NEW 2009 Aston Martin V8 Vantage had door openingproblems, Mirror Problems, rattles everywhere, alarmproblems and many other problems. Remember this is a BRAND NEW 2009 V8 Vantageloaded with issues when I got the car NEW!!
So I can’t the Sales Manager for After Market sales in theUSA for Aston Martin Mr. Gary Hyman. HEcame to my home which was very nice but since I had just spent $ 500,000 on twocars that had many issues I think it was the least they could do. During our visit ME Hyman agreed that almostevery issues I had was real and needed to be fixed.
Mr. Hyman said they would sent a truck to pick up my DBSfirst then when they returned the DBS fixed they would pick up the Vantage fixit and return the car to me ( Mr Hyman’s email to me)
Email from Gary Hyman after they picked the car up and sentit to Las Vegas 8 hours away from me, if I had to go pick it up they shouldhave sent the car to Calif. Just a 3 hour drive from me. Mr. Hyman now states sorry we changed our mindyou come get the car breaking the legal contract we had , DO NOT TRUST ASTONMARTIN AND HERE IS PROOF.
Here is a email with the agreementwe had not only by phone but in writing with this email, a agreement is acontract and if you would like to change it I will fly down get the car anddive it back, then I will use the means I have to recover my daily cost, airfare, hotel etc.
Mr Lentini
First I apologise for not answering your emails , Iwas not purposely ignoring you I have been conducting a service clinic at adealer the last 2 days and then drove 3 ½ hours home last night .
You are absolutely right about the paintwork and thereis no excuse, as agreed Iwill have the car collected on the return of the V8 and attended to bythe body shop.
Your emails have been forwarded to the general managerof Gaudin Aston martin and I will call you on Monday morning to discuss .
Best regards,
Gary Hyman
Next when the dealer Gaudin in Las Vegas NV had my DBSthey installed a new drivers window moulding and made the window leak more airand the wind noise was unbelievable. And they rubbed out the left rear fenderwith the wrong equipment leaving the fender with REALLY BAD CIRCLES in thepaint.
(all the photos, emails, and letters about this will be posted on www.astonmartininfo.com in a few daysso you can see just how badly they screwed up the cars, and lied to us.)
So Gaudin in Vegas was to pick up the car and fix thewind noise they put in the car, and it was agreed Aston Martin would send thecar to an Exotic Car Paint shop to see how to fix the finish on the car thedealer really screwed up.
So now it get worst the dealer decided to give my DBSto the same guy who screwed up the left fender so badly instead of the agreedshop. THEY destroyed the car the wholecar swirls and cuts in the paint everywhere, the paint was beyond repair thepaint should have a mill spec of 5 to 7 mills most places were 3.20 and3.49. They dealer totally messed thiscar up.
I could go on and on they had my cars for about 90days with no loaner, and each time thecars came back worse with the same problems. I have called the Manufacturer in England and they are powerless to do anythingor will not do anything I am now out $79,000 in value of my DBS and a NEWVantage with a bad windshield and problems in the car, which the Manufactureronce again wants ne to spend over $1,000 to get the car fixed.