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Broadway Dodge Service Department is horrible. I would never recommend them to anyone. Not only do they propagate additional problems into your vehicle when serviced, they refuse to repair, or even acknowledge problems when they are sitting in the vehicle with you on a test drive!
I have a new charger, which I was content with until my last 4 visits to the service department. My ordeal started with a sunroof track that was not properly secured and was binding. I also decided to have them address two other issues, extremely squeaky breaks and a heat shield that rattles below the exhaust manifold at about 1500 RPM. Upon arriving at Broadway Dodge I was informed that there was a “rapid response” ticket out on my car requiring steering lines to be replaced. Monty Moore (who at the time seemed to be competent) informed me that I would have to reschedule my visit for the RR since the parts weren’t in. Additionally he told me that there would be a $128.00 charge added to my bill because they were going to have to remove an accessory that was mounted to the front of the car. WHAT?!? To remove said accessory, there are a total of 8 bolts all immediately and easily accessible and 1 electrical harness disconnect. That should have been my first hint. I picked up my car later that day after the sunroof repair and was told by Monty that my squeaking breaks were due to light breaking glazing my rotors and I should break a little harder at times.
Days later I returned the car for the scheduled RR (after taking 5 minutes to remove the aforementioned accessory myself). I again mentioned that the breaks were still squealing (like a rusty 1971 ford pinto) even after adjusting my breaking habits. I really had to mash on the breaks to get them to stop squealing. To top it off, they didn’t address the vibration issues with the heat shield. Prior to leaving I was told that the service would be done in 3 hours. 4 hours later, I returned to find the car was just pulled into the service bay. Thanks for the lack of updates Monty!
At the end of the day I received my car back from the Broadway Dodge. Monty informed me that they insulated something inside the cab to address the heat shield rattle, and that my break squeal was due to excessive hard breaking. The tech noticed that the rotors had a blue tint. Well no kidding! You told me to break harder you clown! They “scuffed my pads” to stop the squeal though. Right. And their fix to address the heat shield vibration wasn’t even close. Insulate something in the cab to address something in the engine compartment? Since when does that work?!
Several days later I noticed a rubbing / grinding noise when turning sharply at low speeds. Don’t know what the screwed up, but it never did that before. And.. you guessed it.. my breaks are still squealing every time I stop. So, back I went. Again I had to remove the accessory from the front of the car due to their $128.00 charge to remove and re-install 8 bolts. Again, I told them of the manifold vibration, the squealing breaks, and the new grinding problem (which unfortunately is very intermittent – but something that wasn’t’ present prior to the RR repair). Guess what! They couldn’t’ duplicate the grinding sound so they did nothing. They couldn’t figure out there the heat shield vibration noise was coming from (Passenger side exhaust manifold heat shield!!!!!) and again, Monty had the audacity to tell me that the squealing breaks were due to the hard breaking. Good job Monty!
Enough’s enough, right? So I called up the Service department manager, Joe Altmix, and explained what was going on. He seemed to be receptive and apologetic. He wanted to do a “ride along” with me to diagnose the issues and take care of things for me. I thought to myself, finally, these issues will be addressed. (I would have loved to take it somewhere else though, but there aren’t any other dealerships that are remotely close to me) So I show up for the 7:30am meeting that Joe himself scheduled for me. Guess who doesn’t show up till 10 after 8:00?! Yup, the Service department Manager Joe didn’t even have the courtesy to call ahead to the shop to let anyone know that he would be late to this appointment. Thanks! Ok, I’m still cool headed and great him kindly. We proceed to drive the vehicle for the diagnosis. Without fail, the heat shield rattled every time the engine reached 1500 RPM, and every time I stopped, the breaks squealed like a pig. We didn’t even get to the “steering grinding” issue because the first thing out of Joe’s mouth was “I can’t hear anything”. What?!?! It’s squealing every time we stop. We even drove by the Service Department building and stopped to have the squeal amplify the sound back at us. “I still can’t hear anything” he retorted. I thought to myself, this guy must be hard of hearing. He is older after all. He suggested that he drive. Ok, go for it. Without fail, the breaks squealed every time he stopped. And again Joe said “I’m just not hearing it” then he had the audacity to add “and I have really good hearing”. Really?!? You’re denying that the problem even exists? You have to be kidding me! I can’t even relay how aggravating this whole experience was. I really wanted to duck tape his head to my fender while I drove down the street and stopped.
Anyway, I have had 1 problem resolved, 2 persisting issues, and one new problem created by the service technician during the RR repair. This has also left a bad taste in my mouth for Dodge in general. I’ll think twice before buying another Dodge / Chrysler vehicle! Thanks Broadway Dodge for nothing!! I will be sure to tell everyone I know and meet about my experience with your Service Department, not to mention the utter incompetence of the service manager Joe Altmix!
Sales person was very uninformed, every question required a trip to see someone different. Went over none of the features of new vehicle, expected you to know all highlights. Finance was a joke, lies about warranty, interest rate and ability to change finance rate. Would rather walk than buy from again.
I brought my jeep in to the dealership to fix an electrical problem. After numorous trips to the dealer and $1,000 bill they fixed the problem, but know my car doesn’t start and the radiator is leaking?
I took the car to a highly refered mechanic and was told the issues the ground wire on my car had been disconnected and was never reconnected (hmmm how’d that happen?) and the radiator had a hole.
Another $1,000 later and my jeep is working perfectly. Leson learned: STAY AWAY FROM BROAWAY DODGE IN LITTLETON.
I’m taking the time to post this to show you just how uncomfortable my experience was. Learn from my lesson!!!
I retuned a 1998 Chevy Cavalier to the dealership on April 23, 2009 and it was accepted back by the dealership. The next day it was delivered to my house. I do not have the title and I will NOT drive the 1998 Chevy Cavalier because it is UNSAFE. As well as I encountered sexual harasment.
This is a complaint and dispute against Broadway Dodge – 5600 S Broadway, Littleton, CO 80121 – (303) 794-4205
April 23, 2009, I went to Broadway Dodge and met with Gary Tucker. We looked at many cars. I let Gary Know I did not want to spend any more than $3,000.00. Gary had me test drive car after car then told me after each one that it was not in my price range. There was one car that was in my price range, 1998 Chevy Cavalier. I was so exhausted with looking at cars and felt pressured to work with this vehicle. The used car manager came up to me and Gary and told me that he personally checked this car and assured me there were no oil leaks. Gary Tucker started the paperwork and running the numbers. I asked Gary if I could take the 1998 Chevy Cavalier to the mechanic to check it out. He said no that I would not be able to do that and the Internet Sales Manger Gary Ulrich came to me and dropped the price from $3,000.00 to $2,600.00. Gary Ulrich told me to take the deal or he could get fired and it is hard for someone his age to get a job. I signed the paperwork.
I drove the car off the lot and came right back because the car started making a funny noise and was omitting a bad smell. Gary Tucker had left for the day so I went to Gary Ulrich the Internet Sales Manager. I let Gary know that this car was not safe for me, a single mom with 2 small kids. I informed Gary Ulrich about all the problems and that I wanted to give the car back. Gary Ulrich took the key and paperwork and told me that he would take care of this and not to worry, he took the car back. I got home and realized I did not get my check back from Gary and the dealership was closed. I called Gary in the morning to get the check back; he would not take any of my calls so I took the money out of my account to make sure they did not cash it since the car was returned.
April 24, 2009, in the evening I got home from dinner with my children and the 1998 Chevy Cavalier was parked in front of my house with the car key in the door. I immediately called Gary Ulrich to find out what was going on; once again he would not take or return my calls. I asked my sister boyfriend (Robert Brasure) to follow me up to the dealership to once again drop the 1998 Chevy Cavalier back to them and find out what was going on since I returned the 1998 Chevy Cavalier the previous day. When Robert and I pulled up I was greeted by Zach Itehad. He asked me what was going on. He had seen the 1998 Chevy Cavalier back on the lot the day before. I told him the details of the events. Zach told me and Robert to sit in the waiting room and he would be back. Zack tried to pull me in the kids play room by myself, Robert and I both insisted that Robert stayed with me. Zack Itehad told me that he was so sorry but the car was mine and I had to take it. Robert told Zach that he believed I was taken advantage of because I was a woman, Zach stated “I am sure you are right but she is over 18” Zach told me my next step would be to call the GM Alex Hamroun because there was no one at the dealership that could help me. I let Zack know I was keeping the 1998 Chevy Cavalier at the dealership because, I retuned it and it was not safe to drive. Robert went to move the 1998 Chevy Cavalier to a spot that Zach requested. Zach took me back to the waiting room and told me “If you take care of me I will make this all better, here is my card, call me on my cell phone.” I did not respond, I walked back to the front to leave with Robert. Zach then went on to say “Your ex-husband is a bastard, how could he ever leave a body like yours”. Robert and I got in Roberts car and left.
April 25, 2009, I called to talk to Alex Hamroun but he was not working this day. I asked the receptionist if I could talk to the owner, she said she could only take a message. I never got a return call.
April 27, 2009, I called the dealership to talk to Alex Hamroun, I was connected to Alex but he told me he was too busy and would call me back. When Alex called me back he would not let me even talk. He went on and on that the car in mine and it did not matter that Gary Ulrich took the car back because Alex is the only one that could make the decision. I asked Alex if I could talk to the owner, Alex told me I would have to call back and ask the receptionist. I did call back and talked to the receptionist, once again she took a message but I never got a call back from the owner.
May 1, 2009, I called Alex Hamroun and asked him if I could come in for a face to face meeting. I went back down to Broadway Dodge with my mom and kids to meet with Alex. This entire visit to the dealership was recorded as proof. In the meeting I let Alex know the car was not safe and all of the details leading up to this meeting. I even offered Alex money to pay for their time and effort to do what is right and take the car back, he declined. He said there was no way to take the car back. I did also let Alex know about the sexual harassment, he said that his employee is his best salesman so he will not do anything about the sexual harassment complaint. In the end Alex said he would exchange the car. Alex also told me that I had to remove the 1998 Chevy Cavalier from their lot or I would be charged storage rent. Alex set me up with a sales person Jim Shadrich. Jim went to the sales tower and came back and let me know they did not have any cars that are in my price range, I would have to put more money into the deal. My mom was upset because Jim Shadrich said there was nothing he could do and when we asked to talk to Alex again and Jim let us know that Alex would not talk to us again. My mom found Gary Ulrich, Gary came over and told me how bad he felt and he would personally investigate the sexual harassment. As far as the car, Gary told me since I found a safe car within my price range that I wanted to buy outside the dealership, he could have the dealership buy the car I was interested in and exchange it for the 1998 Chevy Cavalier.
May 1, 2009, that night I called Gary Ulrich, once again no call back
May 2, 2009, I called Gary Ulrich, once again no call back. I left a message that I have the car I want and the person will sell it to the dealership so we could exchange the cavalier.
May 4, 2009, I called Gary Ulrich, once again no call back. I left a message that I have the car I want and the person will sell it to the dealership so we could exchange the cavalier.
May 5, 2009, I called Gary Ulrich, once again no call back. I left a message that I have the car I want and the person will sell it to the dealership so we could exchange the cavalier.
May 6, 2009, I called Gary Ulrich, once again no call back. I left a message that I have the car I want and the person will sell it to the dealership so we could exchange the cavalier.
May 11, 2009, I called Gary Ulrich, once again no call back. I left a message that I have the car I want and the person will sell it to the dealership so we could exchange the cavalier.
The reasons I am disputing this is I retuned the UNSAFE 1998 Chevy Cavalier to the dealership on April 23, 2009 and it was accepted back by the dealership. I do not have the title and I will NOT drive the 1998 Chevy Cavalier because it is UNSAFE.
If you determined to go to Broadway Dodge even after seeing all these terrible reviews please make sure you read and reread your contract in detail before signing. They changed the terms of the deal on us from between the time of our verbal negotiations and the contract write-up and glossed over and distracted us from these areas during the signing. Shame on us for not expecting them to present identical terms at signing. We ended up with a bad deal. You can totally prevent this from happening to you by not setting foot on their property.
This is by far the worst possible dealer you could buy from. If you like to lose money, they’re your people. I was disrespected by leading to believe I was paying a much cheaper price, they are very vague on their financing. I was told tax, title, and license was included in the price, which it was not. Also, my extended warranty, which was supposed to be through the manufacturer, was a third party warranty, which is non-transferable and non-refundable. I would never do business with these people again and hope you would not as well!
I had a signed contract in my hand for a certain price to purchase a vehicle advertised in the newspaper. I went over the price with the salesperson, who wanted me to commit “right now”. I had to travel from Colorado Springs, so I said I would agree to give them a deposit if I get the price in writing. We faxed back and signed an agreement for the price I wanted. When I arrived the next day at the dealership–in the snow and ice–the salesperson said it was $750 more because I didn’t qualify for one of the rebates. We had gone over all of this on the phone the day before and this wasn’t an issue.
Taking it all the way up to the General Manager, they still didn’t honor the signed contract.
Stay away from this dealer!!! This dealer told us what we wanted to hear to get us to come in and then glossed over contract details to get us to sign and then waived contract in our face when we called them on it. Read on for details.
Sometime prior to Sept 28 I requested a quote on a new truck from Jerry Morris a.k.a. Broadway Dodge in Littleton, CO based on our existing 2004 Dodge truck lease. I emphasized that I was interested in the same type and size of truck and the same lease terms. The salesperson was nice enough to locate the truck from another dealership and we came to a price agreement over the telephone and she noted that the monthly ayment would increase from our prior lease agreement and that the length of the lease would increase from 36 to 39 months. I was not told that the mileage would decrease from 15,000 miles/yr to 10,500 miles/yr. Later the sales person admitted to me in person that she also ssumed the agreement was for 15,000 miles/yr.
When we began filling out the paperwork on September 28, 2007 we discovered that the downpayment amount was incorrect on the lease agreement. After much debate with the finance person saying that it could not be changed on the lease agreement under any circumstance we grudgingly accepted it and signed the agreement. He did not point out the mileage clause of the contract and later admitted to us in person that he usually always points out the lease term mileage and penalty for excessive mileage and could not explain why he did in this case.
We drove off the lot and while en route to our next stop we looked at the lease agreement and saw for the first time that it was for only 10,500 miles/yr. We called the dealership immediately and told them of the issue. We explained our concern to the manager on duty, and with both the sales person and finance admitting fault, Steve made no apologies and essentially waved the contract in our face saying we signed it and it was our problem and if we wanted more miles allotted than we would need to pay a higher monthly payment. This was unacceptable as we were drawn to that dealership from Elizabeth, CO based on the understanding that the quoted price was for 15,000 miles/yr so we requested our trade-in truck back and again they held fast to the contract signed less than an hour earlier.
Over the course of a month I have left at about ten telephone messages for sales manager to discuss and only received one return phone call which I was unavailable for. I promptly returned that call but have yet to hear back from him again. Since then I have emailed my concerns to him with no response. The general manager told Chrysler that he would call me but never did.
I filled out the customer satisfaction survey sent to me by Dodge on Nov 5th and soon after I received a harassing voice mail from the sales person saying that we have “trashed” her and included a facetious thank you “for affecting her income for the rest of the year.”
Do not waste you time or money at this dealership.