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everytime i go 2 mel grata they r so rude n ignorant 2 me like when i was n a car accident i took my car their 2 get fixd they fixd the wrong things on my car an half did my car they were 2 fix my front bumper they fixd the right side of my car an told me i had 2 pay for the damages they were 2 fix but they were gone make it look nice until i got the money 2 get my bumper fixd but it looked a mess then i got a battery from their bout 2 yrs ago an now the battery is no good so 2day they gave me a new battery but it looks like the 1 i jus braught n 2 get fixd or whatever they do 2 it they always get smart with me but treat other ppl nice i dont kno if its cus im black but they do treat white ppl differant than they treat me so u tell me what it is an i dont plan on getting another car from their cus i feel im not bein treatd fair @ all repair center an service center sucks the only reason im doin this is cus it jus happend again the 1 lady was on the phone wit a customer getting smart with him then when she got off the phone an was talkn 2 another employee bout the man on the phone he knew who she was talkn bout her whole attitude changed bout that man